
KO TO DA MA - Spirit of word -

...Ko to da....WHAT?!?

Many of you NEVER heard about it, AND you WILL be AMAZED
what KOTO DAMA can bring to YOU!!

Believe or not, THE word YOU SAY has VERY special POWER. 
The WORD has spirit, some MAGICAL power. 
Good or Bad, it WILL attract the LUCK (either good/bad) and make it HAPPEN!!

It COULD be "Law of Attraction" or "Subconscious Mind", 
either way, IT.WORKS.

So, please CHOOSE your word WISELY;
ALWAYS say what YOU WANT it happen!!

GOOD LUCK and Enjoy what KOTODAMA brings!! 

You can read more here:
Kotodama - Wikipedia

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お気に入りの言葉をアートで!- Created art with my FAVORITE quotes!

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