
WHY Gluten free/LESS?? - 2

OK. Let's continue WHY Gluten free/LESS diet is AWESOME!
(Not even 100% free, STILL you WILL feel THE difference!!)

To learn-get MOTIVATED going Gluten (almost)FREE, 
I HIGHLY recommend:

What's With Wheat? - Official Trailer 

THIS movie investigates the growing epidemic of wheat intolerance and why, 
after eating wheat for thousands of years, 
it has been linked to so many health problems....

Their blog is sharing MANY interesting info!
What's with Wheat? - Blog

It's been almost 2years, 

started being Gluten free/LESS and DEF improving 
our HEALTH!! Keeping us FIT, flatter tummy!!

I REALLY hope you try THIS AWESOME Gluten LESS/free life style!!

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お気に入りの言葉をアートで!- Created art with my FAVORITE quotes!

そうそう!だよなあ〜! 気に入っている言葉から、いつも力を頂いてる私。 いつも目に入るようにとアートにしてみました。 ほかにも、自然など穏やかな気分になるような言葉も アートにしてます。 良かったらどうぞ n___n Ahh YESSS! That's...