
My NEW! amazing Morning routine!!

AHHH~! I am feeling SOOOOOO GOOD~!! :D

So. It's been over 2weeks since I started these 
AWESOME Morning routine and 
I'm LOVING it!!! which are

Energy medicine & Inner SMILE

Energy medicine is by Donna Eden. Starting a day w/her SMILE is just AWESOME.
I've been AMAZED for a while that we do NOT have to connect ourselves to any charger to charge/move our hearts...when I encounter her Energy Medicine, I was excited! 
She's been showing that We ARE the energy!!

So. What the heck Energy Medicine?? :P

Left Brain Definition: "Conventional medicine, at its foundation, focuses on the biochemistry of cells, tissue, and organs. Energy Medicine, at its foundation, focuses on the energy fields of the body that organize and control the growth and repair of cells, tissue, and organs. Changing impaired energy patterns may be the most efficient, least invasive way to improve the vitality of organs, cells, and psyche." - David Feinstein, Ph.D.

Right Brain Definition: 
"Energy is your body's magic! It is your life force. You keep it healthy and it keeps you healthy. If you are sick or sad, shifting your energies feels good. When you care for these invisible energies, it makes your heart sing and your cells happy!"- Donna Eden

Here's her everyday routine! 

2nd one, Inner SMILE by Mantak Chia
The Inner Smile is a practice that focuses gratitude and joy on the internal organs to resolve the physical and mental tensions that can lead to illness. 
In Taoism negative emotions--anger, sadness, depression, fear, and worry--are seen as low-grade energy that causes chronic disease and steals our major life force by creating energy blockages. Master Mantak Chia shows that the internal awareness produced by the simple yet powerful Inner Smile meditation practice flushes the organs of poisonous negative energy that may be blocking chi energy flow in order to nourish the entire body.  

Here's his practice!

THANKS to these practices, I've been feeling GREAT/HEALTHY!!
I'm SURE that YOU will feel so, TOO!!
Thank YOU for visiting my blog! Have an AMAZING one!!

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